¥3,520 税込
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Tシャツ『野良犬を着る - ホワイティ』
Wearing Stray Dogs
On this T-shirt, there are drawings of stray dogs that actually live on the seashore of a southern island. And on the back side, it describes their way of life. These stray dogs live a totally different time from ours, and today they are walking, lying down, or waiting for someone by the sea.
I made this T-shirt thinking that it would be wonderful if someone would wear this T-shirt and go to meet these stray dogs. Or maybe you will wear a stray dog and try to escape from your usual time, or go to a place you had not planned to go. These stray dogs will take you to places you never knew existed.
場所:ネグロス島 /ダーウィン /ボニファシオ通りの花壇の中
Name : Whity
Address : In the flower bed, Bonifasio Street, Dauin, Negros Island
Whity lives in a town with beautiful seas. As the name suggests, Whity is a fluffy white dog that looks like a stuffed animal. But Whity is timid, so she can't make it all the way to the beach. During the day, Whity lies on her back, sleeping in the neighborhood flower bed. Whity thinks she’s well hidden, but her paws and legs are in plain view. A curled-up white dog in a flower bed looks just like a big, fluffy flower!
¥3,520 税込